S a b r i n a X I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d C a r e
G u i d e
A u t h e n t i c E x c e l l e n c e ™
Note: In your listening room or home theater, clear out two spaces, one for
your left and one for your right channel. Place the ODD numbered SabrinaX
in the LEFT channel section and the EVEN in the RIGHT channel section.
Section 2�1—Uncrating the SabrinaX
Note: To avoid damaging the SabrinaX’s painted surface. Please remove any
jewelry such as rings, watches, necklaces, and bracelets during this process.
Initial Check
The SabrinaXs are shipped in boxes. Upon receiving these boxes, please
check their condition. If any of the boxes are damaged, please report it to the
shipping company immediately for insurance verification.
The following items are recommended for this procedure:
Box Cutter
Tin Snips (for cutting bands)
Masking tape (for use in speaker setup)
Uncrating the SabrinaX
A minimum of two strong adults is required to set up the SabrinaXs.
1. Using tin snips, carefully cut the metal bands around the box.
2. With the box facing up, carefully cut the tape securing the lid.
Slide off the outer cardboard shell.
S e c t i o n 2 . 2 – T o o l b o x C o n t e n t C h e c k l i s t
W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s
3. One box will contain the tool kit. Carefully remove the toolkit
and the manual. Set these aside.
4. Carefully lift the box upright so that the SabrinaX is now
vertical. With the SabrinaX’s bottom toward the floor and one
person holding the box, the second person should reach in and
gently slide the SabrinaX out of the box.
5. Place the SabrinaX with an odd serial number on the left side
of the room and the SabrinaX with an even serial number on
the right side of the room.
Note: The SabrinaXs are very heavy and care should be taken to prevent injury.
Section 2�2 – Toolbox Content Checklist
Now that you have unpacked your SabrinaX, you can inventory all the
additional items in the boxes.
Polishing Cloth
8x Spike with Nut
8x Spike Diodes
8x Aluminum Spike Pads
Universal Handle
1/2” Nut Driver (binding posts)
1/4” Allen Wrench
3/4” Combo Wrench (spike nuts)
5/32” Ball-End Allen (driver screws)
1/8” Ball-end Allen head for bottom resistor panel
Summary of Contents for SabrinaX
Page 1: ...I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d C a r e G u i d e...
Page 4: ...S e c t i o n 1 W A S P S e t u p W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...
Page 8: ...S e c t i o n 2 S a b r i n a X A s s e m b l y W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...
Page 10: ...S e c t i o n 3 S e t u p o f S a b r i n a X W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...
Page 15: ...S e c t i o n 4 S p e c i f i c a t i o n s W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...
Page 18: ...S e c t i o n 5 W a r r a n t y W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...