Section 5.1—Final Tuning and Voicing
This loudspeaker placement method was developed by David A. Wilson, for Wilson
Audio Specialties, Inc., to find optimum loudspeaker locations in any given room within
one hour. Participating in numerous audio/multi-channel/home theater shows with very
different and difficult acoustic environments necessitated this procedure. Currently, all
Wilson Audio dealers employ this setup procedure for their customers, in order to quickly
and predictably achieve the best performance from their systems (this procedure can be
used successfully with ANY moving coil speaker system).
Proper system calibration is the most important step in the setup of your multi-
channel/home theater system. The WATCH system offers increased resolution and overall
system performance. This increased resolution allows you to fine tune your system, thus
increasing overall performance, more than any other system available.
Fine tuning and “voicing” generally involve only small changes in location and ro-
tation (or toe) of your multi-channel system. With proper calibration you will find that
changes as small as 1 inch will have an impact on the performance of your system. The
following sections will step you through this fine tuning process. The setup will be done as
• Set up of Left and Right channels with all other speakers disconnected.
• Add the Mezzo Convergent Synergy.
• Add the Surround channels.
• Add the Subwoofer.
Adding one speaker at a time will allow you to easily evaluate the integration with the
system and make the necessary adjustments to fine tune the setup.
e C T i O n
5 . 1 — f
i n a l
u n i n g
a n d
O i C i n g
W i l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s
Summary of Contents for Convergent Synergy
Page 1: ...M e z z o C o n v e r g e n t S y n e r g y O w n e r s M a n u a l...
Page 19: ...Wi l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s S e c t i o n 4 I n i t i a l S e t u p...
Page 27: ...S e c t i o n 5 T u n i n g a n d Vo i c i n g Wi l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...
Page 32: ...S e c t i o n 6 C a r e o f t h e F i n i s h Wi l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...
Page 38: ...S e c t i o n 8 R e pa i r P r o c e d u r e s Wi l s o n A u d i o S p e c i a l t i e s...