flip to finish
After you break latch, you will notice there is still milk in the Flange Tunnel.
To empty this into the Milk Bag, you are going to flip Willow upside down.
Keep in mind, it is completely normal for a few drops to be left in the Flextube.™
Willow so blue tab
faces you
until Pump
starts to gulp
until milk
completely disappears and
you hear one loud slurp
(typically 3 to 4 gulps
at this point)
all the way over
and wait until gulps
stop (after a total of
8 gulps)
For more details:
See pages 30 - 33
in the Instructions for Use
Watch videos in app or
at willowpump.com
If more than a few drops of milk remain
in the Flextube™ after Flip to Finish,
press Play and do it again.
For more details:
See page 40
in the Instructions for Use
empty milk bag
Place spout in
bottle and
slowly tilt bag
Squeeze to
release as much
milk as possible
Use clean scissors to cut on dotted line on Milk Bag.