FM Transmitter
The T800 FM transmitter will broadcast a speaker’s voice, music
program, or audio service wirelessly up to 122m (400ft) to a
listening audience. Quick and easy setup: The installer simply
connects a microphone with a XLR or 1/4” plug into the unit
to broadcast their voice. Alternatively, the unit can connect to
a sound system through a line-level (RCA) jack to broadcast
music or other audio service. The T800 features three channels
on 863.250, 863.750 or 864.750 MHz. For simultaneous
interpretation, up to three T800 transmitters may be installed in
a single facility for broadcasting three languages with minimal
crosstalk or interference. Audience participants use the three-
channel R863 FM receiver (optional) to pick up the broadcast for
language interpretation or hearing assistance applications.
Houses of Worship • Schools • Offices • Auditoriums • Cinema • Government • Any Place of Public Access