Presence of Traffic
. Illumination of either Traffic LED indicates
the detection and direction of traffic. This is useful in determining
whether the fiber is transmitting or receiving at equipment terminal
locations.The F6121R also provides an audible tone alert when traf-
fic is detected.
Test Tone Detection
. Illumination of any one of the
2 kHz, 1 kHz, or 270 Hz LEDs indicates that a test tone is being
detected, which ensures accurate identification of the fiber that is
under test.
The 2 kHz tone can be generated by a source such as as
Models FS1316 (includes also 1kHz and 270 Hz)
FS1317 (includes
also 1kHz and 270 Hz), and FS8514A (includes also 1kHz and 270
The F6121R can be used with all three units, as shown in
ure 5
. The recommended wavelength is 1550nm for tone
During operation at the lowest levels of tone detection
(approximately -40dB core power), the tone LEDs may flicker,
which indicates that the minimum range for detection was reached.
Minimum Detector
Bare Ribbon Fiber -40.0 dBm @1310nm typical
Adapter -50.0 dBm @1550nm typical
Jacketed Ribbon Fiber -30.0 dBm @1310nm typical
Adapter -40.0 dBm @1550nm typical
3mm Adapter -32.5 dBm @1310nm typical
-40.0 dBm @1550nm typical
Insertion Loss
Ribbon Adapters < 0.20 db @1310nm typical
< 2.00 db @1550nm typical
3mm Adapter < 0.11 db @1310nm typical
< 0.80 db @1550nm typical
Self Test
. Each time the thumb switch is operated, the F6121R performs a self test. When this occurs all LEDs will
illuminate and then after approximately one-half second turn off.
Low Battery Indication
. When the battery voltage becomes low, the “LOW BAT" LED illuminates. The unit will con-
tinue to operate for some time, but the battery should be replaced with a fresh 9-volt alkaline battery as soon as possible.
Battery Replacement.
To replace battery hold probe in hand, and with thumb on
slide cover downward.
Replace battery. To re-install cover reverse the steps. Gently place cover on probe and
align cover keys with probe keyways. Slide cover forward.
. It is important that the optical ports remain clean and free of dust, dirt, grease, or other foreign matter.
Cleaning with lint-free swabs and isopropyl alcohol is recommended for optimum performance.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Ribbon fiber under test
Sensitivity is color dependent. The F6121R is less sensitive to dark colors such as Black, Brown, and Dark Blue.
slide the thumb switch upward
and “rock” forward to lock,
and “rock” backward to unlock