Wieland Electric GmbH | BA001269 | 09/2021 (Rev. A)
Accessing the ricos FLEX system
So that you can access the
FLEX modules with Modbus/TCP, you have to assign valid IP address
data to the Ethernet coupler, see 6.4.1 Web server, p. 40.
In the following you will find the description of accessing the following
FLEX areas via Mod-
I/O area
Parameter data
Diagnostic data
Information concerning the allocation areas may be found in the description of the corresponding
FLEX Modul.
Please consider the
FLEX power and clamp modules do not have any module ID. These may not
be recognized by the Ethernet coupler and so are not listed and considered during slot allocation.
Further within Modbus/TCP the slots are designated as Modbus/TCP-Slot. The counting always be-
gins with 0.
To individually call the connected extension modules, certain addresses in the Ethernet coupler
have to be assigned to them. For input and output area, the Ethernet coupler has an address range
of each 1024byte. The address allocation (also called mapping) happens automatically and may not
be influenced. The mapping may be seen via the web server of the coupler.
At boot-up, the Ethernet coupler assigns automatically addresses for its in-/ output periphery fol-
lowing these rules:
All modules are mapped from left (Ethernet coupler) to right in ascending sequence start-
ing with address 0.
It is separated between in- and output area (if a module has in- and output data, these are
stored at different addresses).
There is no separation between digital and analog data. The Ethernet coupler creates co-
here areas for in- and output data.
A description of the in- and output areas that are occupied by a module is to find in the concerning
module description. Please regard that modules that are occupying more than 1 byte like e.g. ana-
log modules, are automatically stored starting with an even address.