WiebeTech LLC
R T X - U R U s e r ’ s M a n u a l
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several hours.
RAID: The RAID level of the UDV. This was chosen during the VG creation.
#LUN: Number of LUNs that the UDV is using. 1 LUN must be attached before use with a
computer. See section 6.6.5 for more information on attaching a LUN.
VG name: The name of the VG associated with the UDV.
CV (MB): The cache volume of the UDV.
5.5.4 Cache Volume
The Cache volume screen allows the creation and management of multiple caches. By default, a global
cache using all of the cache memory is created and automatically assigned to all UDVs created.
The cache volume screen displays the following information:
No.: The number of the cache. Global cache is always first. Click the button below to view more
Size: The size of the cache. By default, the global cache uses all available cache space. If you
wish to create additional caches, you must click on the button below the size of the global cache
and enter a number lower than the maximum value, then click Confirm. This frees up space to
create a new cache. Now click Create, enter the desired size of the new cache, and click
Confirm. The new cache will now be an option under “CV No.” when creating a new UDV.
UDV name: The name of the UDV associated with the cache. Global is default for all UDVs.
5.5.5 Logical Unit
The Logical Unit is what your computer will use to access and manage SCSI devices. In order to access
a UDV, you will need to attach a Logical Unit Number (LUN) to that UDV. To attach a LUN, click the
Attach button:
The following options are available:
UDV: Choose the UDV to which you wish to attach a LUN.
Host: The Host field is filled with an asterisk by default, meaning that any host can access the
UDV. You may change the field if you wish to limit access to specific hosts.
LUN: The LUN field allows you to select which LUN to attach to the UDV. The default option is
normally acceptable.
Permission: Choose Read-write or Read-only for accessing the UDV.