WiebeTech LLC
Choose your method of connecting power to the drives.
There are two options:
If your original internal drives have both a SATA power connector and a legacy ATX power connector, the
ATX connector should be free. You can use the ATX power extension cable to route power from this connector to
your drives. Plug one end of the cable into the ATX power connector on the original internal drive. Attach the
SATA power Y-splitter to the other end. Connect each SATA power connector from the Y-splitter to the drives
mounted in the G5Jam Express. The other Y-splitter cable is not needed for this installation method.
U s e r ’ s M a n u a l f o r G 5 J a m E x p r e s s
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You may choose to get power from the ATX power cable connected to the optical drive (CD-ROM, DVD-
ROM, etc.). Unplug the power cable from the back of the optical drive. To do this, you may need to release and
partially remove the optical drive. Plug that power cable into the center connector of the ATX power Y-splitter.
One end of the ATX Y-splitter plugs into the optical drive. Route the other end behind the metal “shelf” that the
optical drive rests on. That end, now hanging in the compartment beneath the optical drive, plugs into the center
connector of the SATA power Y-splitter. Connect each SATA power connector from the Y-splitter to the drives
mounted in the G5Jam Express. The ATX extension cable is not needed for this installation method.
Release these levers to move the optical drive.
Cable used