Maintain the table periodically. Make sure all secure and the cable has not
deteriorated or frayed. Make sure there are no cracks in the wood structure.
Do not overload the table beyond the recommended weight limit. This could
result in serious injury to the user.
Do not use alcohol based cleaners when cleaning the vinyl. This cause
damage to the vinyl material. Use warm soapy water and wipe dry.
Make sure when using the table that all four legs are on solid flat surface and
at the same level.
Table set up
Place the table on its side,
release the buckles,
partially open the table ,
and remove the accessories(FIGURE 1)
Standing behind the table ,
rasp both table handles and gently
swing in an outward motion to fully open
the table. The legs should open
automatically (FIGURE 2)
Turn the table upright by lifting the middle of the table. Press down in the
middle of the table to make sure the table lays flat. If the table peaks in the
middle, check and straighten out the cables.
Table and the accessories use
We provide optional accessories for you. Please read instruction carefully before
The headrest consists of a crescent headrest base
and a crescent face pad. It will give your
client comfortable head and face support.
you may have different option for the headrest
base. The adjustable headrest is easy for you to
Figure 3
change the angle and height of the base by
adjusting the base handle (FIGURE 3)
Adjustable armrest shelf:
This adjustable armrest shelf is a good device
support your client’s arms at the front of the
table. Hang the armrest shelf on the two bars of
Figure 4
the headrest and slide the belt up or down
for the optimum position (FIGURE 4)
Figure 1