Operator’s Manual
Model M1435-EXP
14-Volt 35-Amp Mini-GPU for Experimental/Amateur-Built Aircraft
As a condition for use, Audio Authority Corp. authorizes this device for use ONLY by aviation
professionals, such as licensed pilots and maintenance technicians, knowledgeable about the
aircraft’s electrical system and batteries. Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft electrical systems not
only vary widely; they are unique. Many aircraft electrical systems also become altered from the
original builder’s configuration and these changes are often poorly documented in the aircraft records.
The concepts, recommendations, and instructions in this manual are necessarily general and make
assumptions that do not apply to every aircraft and may not be correct for your particular aircraft.
Incorrect use of this device has the potential to damage the GPU and/or aircraft components. This
product also requires installation of electrical wiring to the airframe to function.
It is the operator’s sole responsibility to read completely and fully understand this manual, plus all
available documentation on their aircraft’s electrical system design, to properly determine the
appropriate use of this, or any, external power source. If you cannot do this, do not use this
product. Instead, consult a qualified technician familiar with your specific aircraft type and
configuration before connecting the GPU to your aircraft, or return it to the seller before using.