Initial Start-Up
Set the thermostat to COOL and fan switch to AUTO. Lower the
setpoint to the desired cellar temperature. (A temperature of 55°F
is the recommended setpoint.) See thermostat instructions for
Indoor Fan Operation
If the fan switch on the thermostat is in the AUTO position, it will
run only during the cooling cycle. If the fan switch on the
thermostat is in the ON position, the fan will continuously run
until the switch is set back to the AUTO position.
Anti Short Cycle
Most thermostats have a safety feature that will prevent the
condensing unit from cycling on and off within a short period of
time. During the anti-short cycle, the condensing unit will
typically remain off for 5-7 minutes. See thermostat instructions
for details.
Operation in Low Ambient Temperatures
The condensing unit comes equipped with a fan cycle switch,
which controls the condenser fan operation to maintain
optimal system pressures. During cold ambient temperatures
when the high side pressure falls below 75 psi, the fan cycle
switch will open and the condenser fan will be shut off to
maintain minimum head pressure. Once the pressure reaches
110 psi, the fan cycle switch will close and allow the condenser
fan to continue operation.
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