Whirlpool HT015 User Manual Download Page 2



ڷ栁惨㚙Ӏ檥ङ朅࢛ͧ <<澸 .@ ͨ



































Summary of Contents for HT015

Page 1: ... ୦䞮 ޙ 梏㷚 HT015 ऀ寕 ޢ 㫮 ...

Page 2: ... ܷࣁЈவӧӟङ۱߄ Ҷ栉அ ޑݒ љ䄿 ص Չ ଶ朅㤎ङԮ 暿澞 䎹д Ҷ 嫁 ऀ 朅 䟗սӹ 寶є伶旭岪۱߄寕 ޢ 澞 ґऊ寕 ޢ 㫮澞 ߧײ 䟗սс佬ҿѕы ऀ㩌 寶 ؔ 寕 ޢ 㫮 с佬ㆎ ސ 澞 㿮߄ㆋыܶ 䥯 ङ ە 䀖Ј Ш侙樱չब昘ऽ岃ङы ԕ ܬ ॿ ૯檥 ԃ߄ஞ䭾ङы寶ԓ ऀ实䟗ս澞 㚙ࣁ桠 ױ ॿ 䬢ґѕ Љ㫵 ࣨ 朅澞 ࢎ䉟惐३㩌寶 ܣ Ј䟗ս ݖ 栦澞 ઊճ 䎹дହҲ惐䒠 寶ԓ 嘮 梏㷬澞 梏㷬Љ ڱ ѹ㧠 ڇݖ ҿѕ娙 ङЈ ސ 澞 ࢀ儏 䃷ࢀ 䀽ࡐ ЉՕ ऀ悤䱷 梏㷬澞 䠞ࡊ䌂ӱ䟗ս㩌 寶ॹԯҠ ऀͺի Օਈ㫵䤚ࣿ嬥朅Ԯ 暿ͺ ⳏॗ ࢀ ঈ䉸䋝ङ ऀ ސ ͺ ऀӹ寶䬢ґ䟗ս娝வ䐘ࡊ㼑ऊ澞 2 ...

Page 3: ...੧ ৱ 寶 Љ 䘹ਘ ۰族 ऀ悤䱷 梏㷬澞 z 䎹д ސ Ҏ ऀ实䟗ս ହҲ掑寏 ݱ ҁଭۨѠѾԮ暿 寶ࡨ љЈз柾澞 ࢎ䉟䟗ս㩌 寶昘旅 ܣ Ј ݖ 栦 फӱ䟗ս ҶҠ ٗҁ澞 寶Љ ܞ 朅 俠 ܣ ӟ朅 ݖ 栦澞 Օਈ㫵 ਚ朅 俠㡦 ࢥ 朅澞 ऀ实䟗ս㩌 ߄ߧײ 䠙 ٯ 㾎ն 寶ॹԯҠ ऀ ॹ ԯ ܣ ӟ朅 ݖ 栦澞 寶Љ ݹ 朅 俠Ї ܑ䠱朅 俠澞 Օਈ ਚࢥ朅澞 寶Љ 岽 斴㩌族ੴ 朅 फ 澞悤Օਈ㫵 ڧ 柸 ङҡ ډ 澞 寶Љ 䋝۴嬥 ݖݧ 栦澞 寶Љ ߋ 㱭 ݖ ҵପ梏Ս澞 Օਈ ਚࢥ朅 ि૨ 䟗 ս㡦 澞 寶ㆊ 梏㷬 ݹ 䲰 ַٵ ङ੮வЇ அ 䤚ࣿ৬Җ ৱੴ ݬ ৬ङԮ暿澞 Љ 㛼 ऀ י 澞 3 ...

Page 4: ...ㆊѠѾ 檥 ݖ ҵ 梏㷬澞 Љ फ ݎ ੬߆ ࡃٟ 嘮 梏㷬Ї ऀ 䏔 ੬ 澞 䠞 ऀ 梏㷬㩌 ㆊ ۅࢴࣇ ࣆޣ ङ 巡 惠曰 梏㷬澞 Љ 岽 ॿ ㆀ ழ 梏㷬澞Љ 岽 ॿ ݱ ҁ 䟗ս澞䠞 ॿ ऀ 梏㷬㩌 ⳏࠀङ䥯 澞 ऀ 梏㷬㩌 寶Љ ݎ 嬥 䇃ୂӣ澞 ऀ 梏㷬㩌Љ ૦ҿѕ 朅һऀ ڇݖ 澞 Љ ऀ ڍ 斴俠澞 ߧײ 朅 俠 朅 ݖ 栦㡦 Љ Ӈ ऀ 䟗ս澞 ㆊ 梏 㷬ଟਙՠ嶾ࠀ ܶؔ侳ғ߆ 㷬㵜Ծ㸮 չ侳ғ澞 ߧײ Љਈ ٗٯ ҁ 寶 ݖ ܣ 栦 ճऽ䟗սङ ؚ 㛼߆ И ڶ 澞 Љ ࠛ ऀ 䟗ս澞 寶 垰ࣲԕ娙澞 Ш侙樱չब昘ऽ岃ङы ԕ ܬ ॿ ૯檥 ԃ߄ஞ䭾ङы ڷ 栁 ߄ㆋы䥯ष ܶ ङ ە 䀖Ј ऀߎ䟗ս澞ஔள फੴ䥯 4 ...

Page 5: ...㷬 ऀ㧠 ы Ո 寶Љ ऀ㧠Ԇ䒠ѠѾ䃠檥 ҿѕ 巡澞 ײ 斴㩌族Љ ऀߎ䟗ս ܣ Ј朅 ݖ 栦澞 䎹朅Ԇ䒠ੴ 嘮 Љ 䬢ङ ݹ 㫵 ږ ࢮ䍿 Љ ڱ ӯऀ ߄Օਘ ݎ ପ朅 ङ३ ؔ پ 㩌ս ѠѾҿѕ娙 ऀ ߎԆ䒠 澞 ऀ㩌 朅 俠ЉՕ嬥ौ䟗ս 䇃੮வ澞 Ӥԓљ ܞ 朅俠ङ ܣ ڔސ ӟ ݖ 栦澞 ऀ㩌Ӥԓ ऀ ܑ ԃܷ 朅俠 䬢ґ朅俠㿮߄㡦㼸澞 5 Ӏ߄㤻栦ԅਈ ם અ چ ਘ ଟ梏 梏ԃ չͺ䒠ԃ ͺ அࡊࢤԅਈ 6 ͺ ...

Page 6: ... з澝䟖ռ ѝԄৗգ䱺 z 䟗ս佖㵜ॐ ⴥ z 操作面板及顯示面板 䇃 چ 寪 旇昘 ԅࣤ惴㤋 㡯㤻旇昘 வߡ ӹ侸 6 ݵ ӹ㼴 ڇڂ 㒑㼴 惐䌆侸 㒑侸 㡯㤻 ݵ 6 ...

Page 7: ...7 ...

Page 8: ...ܜ Գ ݷ ଭୃ㫵 ڧ 柸䟗սङ Ҷ ۅ 澞 Љਈऀ䋝۴嬥 ݧ 朅 俠 ݖ 栦 ի 㫵߄嬥朅ङ Ԯ暿澞 ⳏॗㆊߋ㱭澝 㱭ঈ䠙 ҵ悹澝ӟ梏Ս澞㫵 ਚࢥ朅澝ि૨Ճ䟗ս㡦 ङՕਈ澞 寶ԓ 䟗սյⴜⲏ䍘㼲奂 ՃՕࣆ ⲏۅ 本 悤 Օਈ 䟗սՉ㡦 ਚ朅㤎ङԮக澞 ହҲㆊ䟗սӟ梏Ս斴㩌族澝फ ݎ է 梏澞 㫵 ਚ ࣿओ ڧ 柸ҡ ډ ङՕਈ澞 ܣ 朅 俠 ݖ 栦㩌 寶ԓ ܞ 朅俠 㫵 ਚ朅 俠Չ㡦 ࢥ朅ঈԮ暿澞 禁止拆卸 禁止觸摸 注意觸電 一般性禁止 注意觸電 一般性禁止 一般性禁止 注意觸電 一般性禁止 8 ...

Page 9: ...ࣿ㾒ԗङ 桅 悤ީ ٯ ڮ Ճ Ҷङ 寶 ऀ ڶݹ ਲ਼朅 俠߄ ர ߄㡦 㩌 寶ԓ ऀ澞㫵 ਚ ࢥ朅ि૨Ճ ږ ࢮ䍿ङԮ暿澞 ߧײ 朅 徣俠㡦 䎹дହҲԮ暿 ڷ 栁ं娸ଭ 澝ҿ侳ғୂ 桗ѷୂ於ङㆋ㴂ы 㠹澞 寶ԓܑ䠱 ㆊ ݹ ӱ朅 俠Ї澞㫵 ਚࢥ朅 ङԮ暿澞 י ӟ 斴㩌族Љ ऀߎ㷬㩌 ڷ 栁昘㷬 ㆊ朅 俠 ݖ 栦㒡 ڇݖ И ܣ ӟ澞 䠞߄ ش 澝 ੧ ЉҎ Шਘ娸ਈԃङы 䐘ыर岡㩌 㚙ହҲ ऀߎ㷬澞 ऀߎ㷬 ڷ 栁 ऀ侙㸮 অՠ ࡌङՠࠀ朅 ڇݖ 澞Ќ ڇݖ ङ 忍ਈԃЉ ڱ Ѻ㧠 澞 ڷ 栁䬢ґ ऀङ朅 朅 厠ߎ㷬拺 ܶؔङ朅 ਚ澞 ݞ 想㩌寶䬢宸 ऀ朅 澞 必須執行 注意觸電 必須執行 注意觸電 必須執行 必須執行 必須執行 必須執行 9 ...

Page 10: ...㷬澞 ⳏॗㆊ ս ݹ 㷬檥Ї澞 ऀߎ䟗ս㩌 寶ԓ嬥ौ䤚䒠ङ੮வ澞 л澝 䉍厠Ґ森 1 悹੧ࢎ䉟厠ґ森ӹ 寶үㆊ朅 俠 ݖ 栦 ܣ ӟ Ќ 梏㷬Ӓ 㒑۵Օљ悹 ੧澞 2 י ੮வ䲔 㩌 ऀ徣٢ ܭݳ 澞 3 ࢎ䉟㩌 Љਈ ऀࡖ 澝 ࡊ מ 澝२戴 ՃѠѾ ޣؠ 㡦 י ੮வङ 巡澞 一般性禁止 10 4 ߧײ 㒑侸侸٢檣㩌 ՕՈӟ侸٢悹੧ࢎ ࢎ 䐘ࡊ 㒑Օ娙Ї傁傑 ऀ澞 5 㩌㚙үㆊ 梏㷬Ӓଥ澝 ԕ娙 ݹ ױ 㧠 䓓ପ梏垰澞 ...

Page 11: ...Ҹ澝 妟 㦕 䟗սֺ垹 框ؔ朅 框ؔ栴ࣤ 框ؔԅࣤ تؾֺי 斴 ㅷ SS SS SS 11 ...

Page 12: ...Ceramic Heater HT015 User Manual ...

Page 13: ...jury or electrical shock Read all the instructions carefully before using this appliance and keep then for future reference Retain the manual If you pass the product to a third party make sure to include this manual This appliance is not intended for use by persons including children with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been give...

Page 14: ...If the supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by the manufacturer qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard CAUTION some parts of this product can become very hot and may cause burns Particular attention has to be given where children and vulnerable people are present WARNING Do not use this heater in small rooms when they are occupied by persons not capable of leaving the room on their own...

Page 15: ...the wind blow to the children directly for a long time It may influence the children s health Please don t touch the plug by wet hands Please don t put the wood or metal stick into the air inlet or outlet It may lead to electric shock or product damage Place the appliance on a stable and flat surface to avoid it tipping over or being knocked over Do not use it on outdoor areas This appliance is fo...

Page 16: ... the appliance close to children or pets Never let children operate this appliance Close supervision is necessary when this is used near children Do not touch hot surface when in use Do not share the same circuit receptacle with others appliances otherwise may have burn hazard Do not use extension cord Do not operate the appliance with a damaged cord or plug Send the heater to a suitably qualified...

Page 17: ...ating any liquids or other danger things Disconnect power plug from power supply when the appliance is not in use for a long period of time Do not use this heater with a programmer timer separate remote control system or any other device that switches the heater on automatically since a fire risk exists if the heater is covered or positioned incorrectly Do not place the power cord on hot surface w...

Page 18: ...nt 3 Using the DC cooling fan low noise 4 With tip over switch and double over heating protection thermostat temperature fuse use more safe 5 Swing automatic air supply with wide angle wind downy heat evenly 6 Drip protection function IP21 B Components Description Product structure 1 Temperature control knob 2 Power selection knob 3 Panel 4 Front net 5 PTC support 6 Front enclosure 7 Base 8 Back e...

Page 19: ...ower selection knob High Swing High Low Low Swing and the Temperature control knob for required temperature settings To operate the heater temperature control knob must be in clockwise rotation until tak sound to be heard 3 Required temperature setting can be determined by spinning temperature control knob to your required temperature position the interior temperature will be gradually rose a Duri...

Page 20: ... low power swing b Stop using this unit please make power selection knob in OFF position Power knob use effective stroke is from high power swing to low power swing rotating within the scope of operation when the gear knob in high power swing position do not continue to force left hand in low power swing position do not continue to force right hand In order to avoid damage the knob influence the m...

Page 21: ...y directly for long Or it will be bad to baby s health Do not pull the wires when unplug the power cord plug because it will damage the wire and lead to electric shock Make sure there are no abnormal items in the wire and the plug is absolutely plug in Otherwise it will cause electric shock No Disassembly Electric shock Do not touch General forbidden General forbidden Electric shock General forbid...

Page 22: ...nimal or disable people or people who are lack of self control Using the power outlet that meets the inspection requirements and the carrying capacity of the socket is no less than 10A 220V Ensure the power supply voltage is consistent with the specified voltage in the machine 220 240VAC Make sure the service voltage when relocation To avoid overheat do not cover the heater Never place any objects...

Page 23: ...When cleaning do not use petrol tianna water attenuant and anything which is easy to damage the outer surface of the material 4 During the usage if the filter grille is dirty it may cause overheat inside please bring out it and cleaning The filter grille can continue to used after there is no water on it 5 When storage the heater should be firstly cold dried and packaged in dry and ventilated plac...

Page 24: ...Model NO HT015 Voltage 220 240VAC Frequency 50Hz Power 1500W Dimension L W H 195mm 140mm 353mm E Technology Parameters 13 ...
