Models 6ADP905/3 WH
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Water Flow Meter Failure
Water inlet valve is energised and the water indicator is switched to high level.
- Flow meter (FM) sends no impulses to CPU (less than 10 impulses in 10 seconds).
- Water inlet control cock closed
- Water inlet hose blocked or kinked
- Water inlet valve (WV1) blocked or defective
- Flow Meter (FM) defective
- Water indicator defective
Water Level Failure
Spray pump motor is energised and water indicator switches to low level more than 20
times in two minutes.
- Water indicator defective (switch should operate when machine contains
approximately one litre of water)
- Sieve blocked
- Severe foaming
- Item in wash load has turned over and filled with wash water
- Spray pump pressure unstable
Continuous Water Inlet
Water Inlet valve is switched off but water indicator is switched to high level and flow
meter sends more than ten impulses to CPU in ten seconds.
- Water inlet valve defective
- Electronic control device for inlet valve failed