WM850 High Performance Microstepping Driver
Parallel Connection
An 8 lead motor in a parallel configu
ve higher torque at higher speeds.
ultiply the motor's unipolar (peak) current rating by 1.4 for the RMS current, or the motor's bipolar current rating is
9.2 Connection to 6
Like 8 lead stepping motors, 6 lead motors have two configurations available for high speed or high torque operation.
The highe
ed because it uses one half of the motor’s inductor windings.
The highe
e configuration, or full coil, use the full windings of the phases.
dings, hence, lower torque output.
ike the parallel connection of 8 lead motor, the torque output will be greater at higher speeds due to lower inductance.
referred to as half copper. In setting the driver output current use the motor's specified per
Figure 5: 8 Lead Motor Series Connections
ration, because of the lower inductance, will ha
the RMS current.
Figure 6: 8 Lead Motor Parallel Connections
-Lead Motors
r speed configuration, or half coil, is so describ
r torqu
Half Coil Configuration
As previously stated, the half coil configuration uses 50% of the motor phase win
This configuration is also
phase (or unipolar) current rating as the RMS current.
* For the European Market – the maximum input voltage must be limited to 70VDC to comply with CE regulations.