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IP-12/IP-16 / Dec 2014
I P - 1 2 C O N T R O L S A N D F U N C T I O N S
Depending on how the IP-12/IP-16 is configured, you may be able to
select any source in the system or you may have a limited choice of sources
for the external switches.
CONTROL ROOM Level Control
The CONTROL RM level control determines the overall loudness of the
signal being monitored as it appears in the Control Room speakers. As the
control is turned clockwise, the loudness increases up to a maximum at the
limit of mechanical rotation. To decrease the loudness, turn the control in a
counterclockwise direction.
NOTE: If the Control Room is muted and you turn the level control all
the way up, then remove the condition that has the Control Room muted,
the sound in the Control Room speakers will suddenly be VERY LOUD!
If the Control Room level has been locked in the IP-12/IP-16 configuration,
the CONTROL RM knob will have no effect.
The METERS section consists of three VU meter pairs on the control
surface’s meterbridge and a group of METERS select buttons, located on
the CR-12 module.
VU Meter Pairs
VU meter pairs (PROGRAM, AUDITION, and SWITCHED) are stereo
LED bargraph type meters.
The level of the signal being metered is indicated by the number of
display elements that are lighted. The more elements lighted, the stronger
is the signal being displayed. The right three LEDs in each bargraph are
red to indicate when the signal level is approaching a clipping (distorted)
level. The next ten LEDs are yellow, indicating a normal level range, and the
remaining LEDs are green. The top member of the pair indicates the level
of the signal’s left channel, while the bottom member of the pair indicates
the level of the signal’s right channel.
The left VU meter pair shows the level of the PGM output, the middle pair
shows AUD output, and the right VU meter pair (SWITCHED) shows the
level of the signal that is selected for it (AUX, X1, or X2). The SWITCHED
meters will also display the CUE signal level when an input fader’s CUE
switch is activated if the IP-12/IP-16 has been so configured.
METERS Select Button
The METERS buttons select the source for the switched meter pair, as
indicated above.