Crossover Adjustments:
• The XO Series Crossovers are ideal tools to make set up and operation of your system
easy and accurate.
• Your best starting place is to follow the loudspeaker manufacturer’s recommended
crossover points.
• Adjust the crossover points of the High Pass and Low Pass outputs to match the
frequencies recommended by the manufacturer.
• You will need to determine the correct output level of the low pass, the high pass and
subwoofer outputs. This is best done with an RTA, but you can get close using your ears.
It is similar to mixing the band, whatever sounds the best will be close.
• Watch the meters on the amplifiers to make sure the input level is not clipping (i.e. Too
much voltage on the amplifier’s input)
• In a simple system, the next component is the amplifier. Because your previous
adjustments have resulted in the cleanest, loudest sound coming from the mixer to the
EQ, it is not uncommon for the volume controls on the amplifier to be less than maximum
(a/k/a “11”). Don’t worry, this means you have plenty of room to get louder. If your
amplifier volume control is “max’d out” when you are at this point in the setup, you have
no place to go. You must add to your system; either more amps or more speakers.
• The bottom line is to keep watch over your meters, they will tell you if the sound levels
throughout the system are in keeping with good practices.