Assembly Instructions
Lay one Backrest (A) on a smooth and protective surface with the threaded inserts facing up.
Insert the tenon of Left and Right Side Stretchers (E and F) into the mortises of the Backrest (A). Make
sure the slant holes on the Side Stretchers will face the floor when the unit is turned upright.
Attach the assembled Seat Frame (B) to the middle rail of the Backrest (A) and insert both Side
Stretchers (E and F) into the Front Legs (C and D) respectively. Insert the 80 mm Bolts (2) with the
Washers (4 and 5) through the drilled holes on the Seat Frame (B) at rear corner blocks and loosely
tighten into the threaded inserts on the Backrest (A). As shown.
Secure the Seat Frame (B) to the Backrest (A) by inserting two 40 mm Bolts (1) with the Washers (4 and
5) into the drilled holes on the rear rail of the Seat Frame.
NOTE: DO NOT fully tighten the bolts.
Lock Washer
(6 used in this step)
Flat Washer
(6 used in this step)
M8 x 40 mm Bolt
(2 used in this step)
M8 x 80 mm Bolt
(4 used in this step)