Technical Manual EMP 500.xx v4
h Münzprüfer Dietmar Trenner GmbH, Germany
Version 1.51
Page 18/27
subject to technical modification
EMP500.xx v4
Proposal button
heasy 2 attempts to find a scaling factor and a decimal point position
that works for the status request. It is not possible to find such a value if
the largest coin value is more than 255 times greater than the smallest
coin value. In this case an error message is shown. This is not significant
for the EMP 500 v4.
Slave Channels
The generation v4 coin selectors also have 16 slave channels (Channels 17 to 32)
available in addition to the so-called 16 master channels. The slave channels can
have their own settings for the coin parameters and blocking switches. The slave
channels may be assigned arbitrarily to any master channels. It is even possible to
assign multiple slave channels (up to 16) to a master channel. The slave channel
assignment can be carried out in
heasy 2 with the “Edit” pull down and then
selecting “Slave channel.” This is discussed in the
heasy 2 manual.
The slave channels share the following attributes with the associated master
Output channel. This means that the slave channel will always signal the same
output line as the associated master channel.
Coin Value
Sorting shaft
Coin Return
The coin selector EMP 500 v4 has a feature which will measure and give credit for
a coin, and then return it. This feature can be used, for example with test tokens. It
can also be used where certain persons, for example employees, are to receive
benefits without cost (e.g. car parking).
The setting of this function is also discussed in the
heasy 2 manual in the “Edit”
chapter, under the sub-heading “Sorting Shafts.”
Safety Features
Coin on a String (Strimming)
Even if the coin selector is in standby mode, the light barriers are still live. If the
light barrier detects a coin in the acceptance channel which has not previously
passed the measuring system in the correct way, the coin selector will assume that
this coin, for which a receipt has been transmitted, is being pulled back on a
thread. Via the parallel interface, the coin selector can give a message for coin-on-
a-thread-detection to the machine. The customer can choose any of the coin
output channels or a combination of channels through which the coin-on-a-thread
detection is to be signalled. This can be programmed by the factory. The
information is emitted by a minimum impulse width of 200 ms. The machine is
able to distinguish between coin-on-a-thread detection and a normal receipt signal,
as it can recognise the different width and (or) identify a combination of
simultaneously arranged coin output lines.
If a coin is still identified in the light barrier after 200 ms have passed, the
information will be repeated. During that time, no coin can be accepted.