Ground Grab
All soils contain minerals. Signals from ground minerals interfere with the signals from
metal objects. All soils differ, and can differ greatly, in the type and amount of ground
minerals present. This detector incorporates ground balancing algorithms which elimi-
nate interference caused by the ground minerals found in most soils. We therefore rec-
ommend that you use GROUND GRAB to most accurately calibrate the detector to the
specific ground conditions where you are hunting.
This process will maximize the detector’s target identification accuracy and depth detec-
tion capability.
The Steps is as follows:
1. Find a patch of ground which is free of metal. Use the DISCRIMINATION mode, with no targets discriminated out.
2. Hold the detector with the search coil about 6 inches above the ground ,then press G Grab button to activate ground
grab process, then lower the coil down to within 2 inches off the ground.
3. Repeat to lift up and lower down the search coil for several times until the LCD shows “GRAB OK”.
If ‘GRAB ER’ appears, maybe the ground is too dirty with metal trash or just wet salt soil. Find another clean place ground
grab again till it is grab ok. Ground grab results is crucial to the performance of PP mode.
Pick the discrimination mode you want to detect in. Keep the coil parallel to the ground
moving it from left to right with a stable speed. Out of the metals highlighted it will cat-
egorize the metal detected so you are aware of what metal is buried. It will inform you
in two ways; 1. by highlighting the metal detected and 2. a tone response.
Discrimination identification accuracy can be influenced by moisture and temperature.
The coil sweeping speed can also affect discrimination, generally faster sweeping mo-
tion has a higher sensitivity.
Pinpoint does a narrow search that will give you the exact location of a buried object.
It will identify an object by a signal and tone response. Hold the trigger to activate the
pinpoint function. Once activated, sweep the coil over the target area in an “X” pattern.
Make a visual note of the place on the ground where the strongest signal is identified.
Then dig in the center of the “X.” When the trigger is released the metal detector will re-
turn back to the previous mode. NOTE: Normally,the detector takes about 5 minutes to
stabilize after it powers on, it is not recommended to do pinpointing during this period of
time. The sensitivity of detector will drift over time. If sensitivity drifts upward,the detector
will sound off spontaneously. If sensitivity drifts downward,the detector will become less sensitive. Drift is exacerbated
by the environment condition change especially the temperature change. so, in case the sensitivity drifts , you can try
Ground Grab again.
Notch Modes
When in Notch there are three options:
All Metals:
Use this mode if you are looking for a wide range of objects. It is designed to
find all metal objects.
When using this mode it will show you the metals found in coins. It is designed
to find all types of coins and eliminate trash objects such as iron and foil.
When in this mode it will show you the metals common in jewelry. It is designed
to find jewelry such as rings, bracelets, watches and necklaces.
When an object is detected it will highlight the name of the metal found as well as use a tone
that identifies the metal.