Operation (Continued)
4. After all securing bolts are properly
fastened, open the release valve by
turning release knob counter-clockwise
to lower the jack to minimum height.
Avoid shock loads
created by quickly
opening and closing the release valve as
the load is being lowered. Shock loads can
create dangerously high operating
pressures within the hydraulic system,
causing system failure and resulting in
personal injury and/or property damage.
Use only a good
grade hydraulic jack
oil. Avoid mixing types of oil. Do not use
break fluid, alcohol, glycerin, motor oil etc..
Improper fluid can cause serious internal
injury to the jack, rendering it inoperative.
1. Position the jack on level ground with
saddle fully lowered, remove oil filler
2. Oil level should be within
” of filler
hole. DO NOT OVERFILL. If overfilled,
the jack will not lower to published
minimum height. If underfilled, the jack
will not reach published maximum
height. Adjust fluid level as needed.
Always reinstall oil filler screw before
1. For best performance and long unit,
replace the complete oil supply at least
once a year.
2. To drain the oil, remove the filler screw.
3. Lay the jack on its side and allow the oil
to run out into suitable drain pan.
Dispose of in accordance with local
4. BE CAREFUL to prevent dirt or foreign
matter from entering the system.
5. Refill with proper oil (we recommend
Mobil DTE 13M or equivalent) as
described above.
Dispose of hydraulic fluid in
accordance with local regulations.
Add lubricating oil to all pivoting sections
every 3 months.
1. Check ram and piston periodically for
signs of corrosion. Clean as needed
with an oily cloth.
2. When not in use, store jack with saddle
and piston fully retracted.
Westward Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
Westward Heavy Duty Transmission
Troubleshooting Chart
Jack will not lift load
1. Release valve not tightly closed
1. Ensure release valve tightly closed
2. Overload condition
2. Remedy overload condition
Jack bleeds off after lift
1. Same as above
1. Same as above
2. Hydraulic unit malfunctioning
2. Replace hydraulic unit
Jack will not lower after unloading
1. Reservoir overfilled
1. Drain fluid to proper level
2. Linkages binding
2. Clean and lubricate moving parts
Poor lift performance
1. Fluid level low
1. Ensure proper fluid level
2. Air trapped in system
2. With ram fully retracted, remove oil
filler screw to let pressurized air
escape, reinstall oil filler screw
Will not lift to full height
Fluid level low
Ensure proper fluid level
Possible Cause(s)
Corrective Action