Consumer law. The o Consumer under Warr are
o and r buer under an Consumer Guaranees. The
usr Consumer Law rrawe a!
Our ome ranees a be ex under usr
Consumer Law. You are o a repla or r or a major re
and or ompensa or an r oreseeable loss or e. You
are also o have r red or replaed o be
a r o a major re.
"# o Clause 1, Seller warr a Wes branded pr
be ree manu de and perorm o Seller’s a
The Warr exends o owner pr
Pr manu red or b Seller are s and used b
owner raWarr P
4. The Warr ommenes on dae pur pr and
or Owner or Warr P $
Warr P a manu de overed Pr or
Pr o perorm o Seller’s a as a r some de
%" !
a.) R or replae Pr a os Seller,
ed o labour and ravel os Goods r red or replaed under
Warr warraned r Warr .
b.) Rr bonsumer.
The Warr o Pra!
a.) Has due o exesve wear and ear beond wha red o be
b'+ ed.
' Has been a or b God re and
d.) Has been used or operaed r o opera or enane s
e.) Has been b Consumer or a rd o or
r r"sore Consumer.
In order o mae a under Warr , Owner mus where pos
r o Seller’s sore a Owner’s os Pr pur mus
The seller ex an r Pr and Seller de a
r rr <r"!
a.) Mae noe Owner’s Owner’s elephone
number owner be ed ss hours, pos
addres = ress.