All specifications and informations are subject to change without notice.
II.Installation Instructions
Signal cable
User manual
Warranty card
(The above pictures are for illustration only and the physical accessories shall govern.)
Please always place
this device on a stable
surface; otherwise,
i t m a y f a l l a n d b e
The altitude and the
tropical environment
the adapter fits depend
on which adapter is
used for the device.
The rating plate on
the back of the device
with the above warning
sign indicates that
t h i s p r o d u c t i s
a p p l i c a b l e f o r t h e
safe use of the region
w i t h a l t i t u d e o f
2,000m and below.
Do not hold the plug
w i t h w e t h a n d ;
otherwise, electric
s h o c k m a y o c c u r.
Make sure the plug
h a s a g o o d t o u c h
because poor touch
may cause fire.
Do not use a broken
power plug nor keep
a power cord near heat
source; otherwise,
e l e c t r i c s h o c k o r
fire may occur.
When cleaning the
device, be sure to
remove the power
p l u g , u s e a p i e c e
of soft cloth rather
t h a n i n d u s t r i a l
c h e m i c a l t o c l e a n
the device, be sure
not to let water enter
the device.
Do not disassemble
this device without
permission. In case
of failure, be sure to
contact a professional
servicing person to fix
it. The unauthorized
disassembly of this
device may result
in electric shock or
In case of rare smell
or noise out of this
device, be sure to
immediately cut off
the power supply and
ask a professional
servicing person to
fix the problem.
W h e n t h i s d e v i c e
is idle for long time,
be sure to power it
off; otherwise, electric
s h o c k o r f i r e m a y
I.Safety Prevention Measures
The device with AC switch may use such AC switch as cut-off component.
The device without AC switch may use power plug or coupler as cut-off component.
In case of the normal use of the equipment, make sure the cut-off component
can be accessed easily.
All specifications and informations are subject to change without notice.
Quick Start Guide
Power adapter
2. Angle Adjustment
2.1 The screen can be adjusted by
i n c l i n i n g f o r w a r d a n d backward;
however, the specific adjustment
depends on the specific model of
t h e d e v i c e . Generally, i t m a y b e
inclined 5 ± 2 ° f o r w a r d a n d 1 5 ± 2 °
2.2 When adjusting the angle of the
monitor, be sure not to touch or press
the area of the screen.
(The above pictures are for illustration only and the physical accessories shall govern.)
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