Sweet Waffles
Selected recipes for sweet waffles are described over the next few pages.
There are many different waffle recipes available. Most recipes are for
cake-like soft waffles. The taste of the waffles can be varied using various
different spices and ingredients. For example a hint of salt, ground cloves,
chopped or ground nuts and almonds, raisins, small pieces of apple,
cinnamon, cardamom, anise, ginger powder, coriander or grated lemon
peel or lemon juice can be added. Every waffle can be refined with a drop
of alcohol. Rum or Cherry is especially recommended. Serve the waffles
with icing sugar or sugar & cinnamon. Strawberries with whipped cream or
hot cherries are also very tasty.
Bon Appetit! ...
Fine Waffles for Sunday
250 g butter, 200 g sugar, 3 eggs, 1 packet vanilla sugar,
1 tablespoon rum, 125 g ground almonds, 450 g flour, ca.
180 cc water (if necessary), grated lemon peel or 1 Mini
bottle lemon essence, ½ packet baking powder.
Combine butter, sugar and vanilla sugar and mix until creamy. Then add
the eggs one after the other. Add baking powder, which should be mixed
into the flour, and the water alternately and the rum last. Instead of whole
eggs just the egg yolks may be used. Beat the egg whites to a stiff cream
and fold it into the waffle mixtures as the last step. The mixture should be
thick but still flow freely from a spoon.
Waffles from Westfalia
200 g butter or margarine, 75 g sugar, 1 packet vanilla
sugar, 3 - 4 eggs, 350 g flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1
packet ground or chopped nuts or almonds, 1 tablespoon
Same as fine waffles