the wheel, never against it, because the sharp blade might bury itself in the
leather wheel and might cut the wheel or injure you.
You can either use the tool support as described above or guide the blade free-
hand over the honing wheel.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Dressing the Stone:
When the stone becomes worn or glazed or the surface is not true for any other
reason, the stone should be dressed.
Please note that if the diameter of the stone is significantly reduced, the grinding
angles set with the angle guide are not correct anymore.
A stone dresser can be purchased from your local hardware store and it should
be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
General Maintenance:
After use, empty the water container and wash it out carefully. Use a moist cloth
to clean the housing. Do not use solvents, aggressive chemicals or abrasives to
clean the unit. Use only water and if necessary, a mild detergent.
The unit does not require further maintenance. It does not contain components
serviceable by you. Do not disassemble it and do not try to repair it yourself. In
the case of questions or problems please contact our customer support