Sports Manual for 20-button Remote Control
Document: 4042en04.doc
Author: MS
LED 140
Date: 2015-04-17
Page: 4 of 7
Navigate to menu SETTINGS from the home screen. Function SETTINGS is not shown if a sport is
active. All changes made to the settings will be saved in non-volatile memory and restored at start-up.
The following functions are available:
Changes the language used to display information on the remote control LCD.
Displays the version of the current program and compile date. A timer displaying time since last start-
up is also shown.
Displays information about battery and charging status. If a charger is plugged in a timer will display
how much time is left of the charge cycle. It also displays some debug information valuable when
looking trying to resolve errors.
Real-time is shown on the score board when no sport has been started. This function is used to set,
start or disable real-time. Press button Y to set real-time. Press button 0 to disable real-time. Press
button Start to enable real-time.
Opens a dialog where changes to radio address can be made. For this to have effect the score board
needs to be configured in the same way. Normally there is no need to change this value.
Sends a command to the score board to initiate (or stop) a segment test sequence. This will continue
to run until a stop command is sent or the power is cut to the score board.