Westerstrand Sportsystem
Dokument: 4320en01.docx
Förf.: CF
BASIC LED190/150
Datum: 2019-10-24
Sida: 8 av 14
Press [Start] to start the game clock and [Stop] to stop it. At the end of the round, an automatic pause countdown
of one minute is started. When the countdown is finished, the remote control will automatically change to the
next round.
Add or remove score with the
buttons under the display.
Adjust the Round Time
The match time can only be changed when the clock is stopped. Select [Change] followed by [Adjust Times].
Enter the correct time with the numeric buttons and accept with [Ok].
New Round
To start a new round, press [New Round/Exit] and then [New Round]. The remote control will suggest a round
number. Press [Ok] to accept or enter another round number with the numeric keys, followed by [Ok].
Start a New Match
To finish and start a new match, press [New Round/Exit] and then [New Match]. The question “Are you sure
you want to end the game” will be shown. Press [Yes] to start the new match.
Exit the Sport
To exit the sport and go back to the start screen, press [New Round/Exit] and then [Quit Game]. The question
“Are you sure you want to end the game” will be shown. Press [Yes] to exit.