Connecting the Drive and Getting Started
This chapter provides instructions for connecting the drive and installing the WD
software on your computer. It includes the following topics:
Connecting the Drive
Getting Started with the WD Software
Connecting the Drive
1. Turn on your computer.
2. Connect the drive to your computer as shown in
3. Verify that the drive appears in your computer’s
management utility listing.
4. If a Found New Hardware screen appears, click
to close it. The WD
software installs the proper driver for your drive.
Your My Passport drive is now ready to use as an external storage device. You
can enhance its capabilities by installing the WD software that is on the drive:
WD Backup
WD Security
WD Drive Utilities
Figure 3: Connecting the My Passport Drive
Getting Started with the WD Software
1. Double-click the WD Apps Setup
that appears in the listing for the drive in
your computer’s
management utility to display the WD Apps Setup wizard,
Software Installer dialog.
Connecting the Drive and Getting Started
My Passport
User Manual