1. Empty the bin.
2. Remove the shutoff plate and sprocket assembly.
3. Thoroughly clean the shutoff plate and mount.
4. Inspect the shutoff plate for damage and straighten if required.
5. Loosen all rollers just enough until they move in their slots.
6. Slide the shutoff plate into the fully closed position above the rollers. Ensure the chain stops are at the
leading end of the plate and the plate is exactly centered from side-to-side.
7. Using a bottle jack under the shutoff plate, directly below the center of the opening, apply only enough
pressure for the plate to contact the mount.
Excessive pressure will deform the plate and make movement difficult.
8. Bring each roller up until they just contact the plate and tighten the bolts. All rollers should turn easily by
hand after tightening, but still contact the plate. Check and re-adjust if necessary.
The two end rollers not covered by the shutoff plate are adjusted later in the procedure.
9. Remove the bottle jack and pull the plate out until it covers the two remaining end rollers.
10. Adjust the rollers as stated previously. No upward pressure should be applied to the plate during this part of
the adjustment procedure. Check that the plate moves easily.
11. Re-install the sprocket assembly and handle.