If you have installed the RIGblaster step by step from this manual you need not go back
to a previous step. The problem is isolated to the step that you found a problem on.
If you contact us for support please be sure you know which step of this manual you are
stuck on before calling or writing.
Most RIGblaster plug & play problems usually have nothing to do with the RIGblaster or
how it is connected. They are almost always software related and can only be fixed
with a mouse. Make sure you have your sound card set properly and that you
understand the operation of the over forty virtual controls. Also be sure that you have
the COM port settings in your ham radio program correct. If you cannot get a new
program to work try another program, there are over 100 ham radio programs.
1) The software has no receive signal displayed because the sound card input is not
turned on or up. Use the Windows® sound card “Recording Control” panel not the
playback “Volume Control” panel, duplex sound cards cannot be adjusted for receive
from the Windows® playback “Volume Control” panel.
2) The ham radio software is not set to the correct serial port for PTT control. All
programs must be configured to control PTT, they will not work unless you do this.
3) The sound card wave and volume outputs are set too low because the computer
speakers are too loud. Turn down or turn off your computer speakers and turn your
sound card up.
4) The RF power / Drive control on the radio is not set to maximum causing the
computer not to have enough audio to drive the radio even to half output.
5) Low impedance headphones or speakers are loading down the RIGblaster's audio
output from the sound card. Disconnect them or replace them with computer
headphones or speakers.
If you would like further help, see our support page, for the latest help and suggestions:
Please understand that the RIGblaster will not work if the software and computer do not
work. Make sure that you have your software operating properly and your sound card
adjusted properly if you expect the RIGblaster to work. You must read the
documentation that comes with the software! Software instructions are not included in
this manual. We did not write the software and we cannot properly support the
software. The best thing to do if you have software problems is to try a different
software package. If you have audio problems with two or more sound card programs