Use the Toast Function for foods such as pizza, toasting, bread, cookies and reheating food.
1. Place the baking rack to the desired height.
2. Set the function control to " ".
The Broil Function is ideal for fish, beef, steak, vegetables, etc.
1. Place the baking rack to the desired height.
2. Set the function control to " ".
3. Select the length of time you want to broil the food.
4. Set the temperature control to the 450 F, for best broiling performance.
Use the bake function for foods such as less tender cuts of meat, cakes and casseroles.
1. Place the baking rack to the desired height.
2. Set the function control to " ".
3. Select the length of time you want to bake the food.
4. Set the temperature control to desired temperature.
NOTE: Maximum length of time for toasting bread is 7 minutes. Bread may catch fire if the
toasting time is set longer. Close supervision is necessary.
3. Set the temperature control to the desired temperature.
NOTE: Always check food temperature to ensure proper internal temperatures have been
have been reached. Remove food with oven mitts. Food and oven surfaces are hot.
1. Remove both baking racks from the oven.
Do Not attempt
then place baking pan on the baking rack.
Place one baking rack upside down in the
lowest position of the oven,
ook the food.
. Set the temperature control to desired temperature.
to rotisserie cook without using the baking pan on the baking rack.
2. Set the function knob to " ".
3. Select the length of time you want to