Inspect and tighten all parts of the elliptical regularly.
Replace any worn parts immediately.
To clean the elliptical, use a damp cloth and a small
amount of mild detergent.
Important: To avoid damaging the console, keep
liquids away from the console and keep the console
out of direct sunlight.
If the console display becomes dim, the batteries
should be replaced; most console problems are the
result of low batteries.
To replace the batteries, pull off the battery cover and
place two
SIZE-AAA (UM-4) batteries into battery
housing on back of monitor. Insure that the batteries
are correctly positioned and battery springs are in
proper contact with batteries.
Replace battery cover and insure it is tightly closed.
Be aware that the battery life is approxlimatky 1 year
under normal usage.
If the display is illegible or only partial segments
appear, remove batteries and wait 15 seconds
before reinstalling.
NOTE: Removing the batteries will erase computer