PoE information (ZAC50CN01):
The Junction continuously monitors the current PoE performance consumption. The website displays the maxi-
mum available PoE performance of the Junction and the currently reserved and outgoing PoE performance.
Every PoE device registers in a specific PoE performance class when starting. This performance is then
reserved in the Junction. Mostly, the maximum reserved performance is not demanded, however. By deactivat-
ing the PoE performance monitoring it is possible to optimally utilize the maximum PoE performance of the
If the PoE performance monitoring is deactivated, this can cause performance impairments of the device. In this
case, the maximum PoE output performance must not exceed the maximum PoE performance of the Junction.
If the performance monitoring is deactivated, this is displayed on the Junction by means of the PoE max-LED
flashing red. During operation, the performance monitoring can be changed from inactive to active. Here, all
PoE devices are restarted automatically in order to save the reserved performance of the individual ports.
Change password:
An additional window opens, in which the new password can be entered.
Please note: If the password has been forgotten, the delivery state of the Junction can only be restored
by means of a reset at the controller using the object “Restore Default Parameter 0x1011”.
The following settings can be reset to the delivery state by pressing the “Reset” button.
• Parameter of the digital I/O ports: All digital I/O ports are switched to input
• Parameter PoE: PoE monitoring is switched to one and on all ports
the PoE power supply is activated
• The password is reset to the delivery state (“admin”)
Please note: The network settings are not reset hereby! They are still specified via the controller (EoE).