wen products is committed to build tools that are dependable for years . our warranties are consistent
with this commitment and our dedication to quality
liMiTed waRRanTY oF wen ConSuMeR poweR ToolS pRoduCTS FoR HoMe uSe
GReaT lakeS TeCHnoloGieS, llC ("Seller") warrants to the original purchaser only, that all wen
consumer power tools will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from
date of purchase . ninety days for all wen products, if the tool is used for professional use .
SelleR'S Sole oBliGaTion and YouR exCluSiVe ReMedY under this limited warranty and, to the
extent permitted by law, any warranty or condition implied by law, shall be the repair or replacement of parts,
without charge, which are defective in material or workmanship and which have not been misused, carelessly
handled, or misrepaired by persons other than Seller or authorized Service Center . To make a claim under
this limited warranty, you must return the complete power tool product; transportation prepaid, to Great
lakes Technologies, llC – 501 davis Road – elgin, il . 60123 with a copy of the original receipt which is
legible and clearly defines date of purchase including month and year and place of purchase .
THiS liMiTed waRRanTY doeS noT applY To aCCeSSoRY iTeMS SuCH aS CiRCulaR Saw
BladeS, dRill BiTS, RouTeR BiTS, JiGSaw BladeS, SandinG BelTS, GRindinG wHeelS and
oTHeR RelaTed iTeMS .
anY iMplied waRRanTieS SHall Be liMiTed in duRaTion To one YeaR FRoM daTe oF puR-
CHaSe . SoMe STaTeS in THe u .S ., SoMe Canadian pRoVinCeS do noT allow liMiTaTionS on
How lonG an iMplied waRRanTY laSTS, So THe aBoVe liMiTaTion MaY noT applY To You .
in no eVenT SHall SelleR Be liaBle FoR anY inCidenTal oR ConSeQuenTial daMaGeS
(inCludinG BuT noT liMiTed To liaBiliTY FoR loSS oF pRoFiTS) aRiSinG FRoM THe Sale oR
uSe oF THiS pRoduCT . SoMe STaTeS in THe u .S . and SoMe Canadian pRoVinCeS do noT
allow THe exCluSion oR liMiTaTion oF inCidenTal oR ConSeQuenTial daMaGeS, So THe
aBoVe liMiTaTion oR exCluSion MaY noT applY To You .
THiS liMiTed waRRanTY GiVeS You SpeCiFiC leGal RiGHTS, and You MaY alSo HaVe oTHeR
RiGHTS wHiCH VaRY FRoM STaTe To STaTe in THe u .S ., pRoVinCe To pRoVinCe in Canada and
FRoM CounTRY To CounTRY .
THiS liMiTed waRRanTY applieS onlY To poRTaBle eleCTRiC ToolS, BenCH poweR ToolS,
ouTdooR poweR eQuipMenT and pnuMaTiC ToolS Sold wiTHin THe uniTed STaTeS oF
aMeRiCa, Canada and THe CoMMonwealTH oF pueRTo RiCo . FoR waRRanTY CoVeRaGe
wiTHin oTHeR CounTRieS, ConTaCT THe wen CuSToMeR SuppoRT .
Summary of Contents for 70711
Page 26: ...26 Assembly Diagram ...
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