Translation of the original instructions
Traducción del manual original
Traduction de la notice originale
WARNING Fire hazard
Covering the soldering iron or the safety holder poses a fi re hazard.
Always keep objects well away from the soldering iron and safety holder.
Keep all combustible objects, liquids or gases well away from the hot soldering tool.
Store your soldering tool in a safe place. When not in use, units and tools should be stored
in a dry, high or locked area out of the reach of children. Make sure that unused soldering
tools are free of voltage and placed in the safety rest.
The power cable must only be plugged into the power socket or adapter approved for
this purpose. Check to see if the mains voltage matches the ratings on the nameplate. Make
sure the machine is switched off before plugging in.
Do not use the cable for purposes other than those for which it is intended. Never carry
the unit by the cable. Do not use the cable to pull the plug out of the socket. Protect the cable
against heat, oil and sharp edges.
Be alert. Pay attention to what you are doing. Be smart when using the unit. Do not use the
soldering tool if you are having diffi culty concentrating.
Avoid abnormal posture. AArrange your work station in an ergonomically correct way. Avoid
bad posture when using the unit, as this can lead to postural problems.
The soldering tool must be operated only in perfect technical working order. Safety
devices must not be deactivated.
Faults and defects must be repaired immediately. Before using the unit / tool, safety
devices must be carefully checked to make sure that they are functioning properly and in
the manner intended. Check that moving parts are functioning properly and are not sticking,
and whether parts are damaged. All parts must be correctly fi tted and must satisfy all the
requirements necessary to guarantee troublefree operation of the unit.
Use the correct tool. Use only accessories or auxiliary devices which are included in the
list of accessories or approved for use by the manufacturer. Use WELLER accessories or
auxiliary devices on original WELLER equipment only. The use of other tools and other
accessories can cause injury.
Secure the workpiece. Use clamping fi xtures to hold the workpiece.
Use a solder fume extraction unit. If appliances for connecting solder fume extraction units
are available, ensure that they are connected and used properly.
Care and maintenance
Before doing any work on the machine, pull the plug out of the socket. Leave the unit
to cool down.
Use original replace-
ment parts only.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be
replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent
or similarly qualifi ed persons in order to avoid
a hazard.
Tip Changing:
Turn off the unit and unplug it from power.
Allow to cool.
Remove nut and outer sleeve and replace the tip as necessary.
Do not overtighten nut when re-assembling.
Claims by the buyer for physical defects are time-barred after a period of seven year from
delivery to the buyer.
We shall only be liable for claims arising from a warranty furnished by us if the quality or
durability warranty has been furnished by use in writing and using the term „Warranty“.
The warranty shall be void if damage is due to improper use and if the device has been
tampered with by unauthorized persons.
For more information please visit
Warning! Risk of burns
Read the operating
Before performing work of
any kind on the unit, always
disconnect the power plug
from the socket.
Safety class
Technical Data
Soldering station
High temperature Limit °C
High temperature Limit °F
100 - 480 °C
212 - 896 °F
Soldering iron Power consumption
70 W
Soldering station Power consumption
300 W max.
Temperature accuracy
±18°F/ ±10 °C
Temperature stability
±4°F/ ±2°C
Heat-up time
70 - 750 °F (20 to 400 °C), 40 sec.
212 - 650 °F (100 to 340 °C), 15 sec.
Safety class
Mains supply voltage
120 VAC / 60 Hz
Subject to technical alterations and amendments.
Operating Instructions
Start Up
Right after turning on the station:
The station display will turn on all the segments will light for 2 seconds.
Then the set temperature will be shown for 2 seconds.
Then the °F or °C will be shown for one second to validate which units are being used.
Then the current actual temperature will then be shown on the display.
If the station is unplugged from the power source, the unit will remember the last user settings
when re-attached to power.
The default units will be °F from the factory.
The default temperature setting will be 650°F (343°C) from the factory.
The default standby setting will be 10 minutes. Standby temperature 212°F (100°C).
The indicator dot will be on constantly when the tip is heating.
The indicator dot will blink when the iron is at temperature.
The indicator dot will not be shown when the iron is cooling.
“Stb” will be shown on a dimmed display when the unit is in standby mode.
Once the unit is awakened from standby mode, the LED will brighten, and the tip will re-heat
to set temperature.
Using standby mode and lower iron temperatures will increase the life and accuracy over time
of the heating element.
Pressing the right up arrow or left down arrow button at any time will adjust the set point.
The set point can be a value from 212 to 896 °F (100 to 480 °C).
Press up or down arrow 1 second will change the temperature setting by single degree. Hold
arrow button for 3 seconds to change temperature by 10 degrees every second held.
Menu options
The menu options are displayed by pressing the center „MENU“ button.
Press the „MENU“ button to enter the menu & go to Units. Press up or down Arrow button to
select Units.
Press the „MENU“ button again to cycle to Standby mode. Press up or down Arrow button to
select standby time.
Press the „MENU“ button again to cycle to Calibration mode. Press up or down Arrow button
to select offset temperature.
Press „MENU“ button again to save the options selected and exit the menu.
When the menu selection “Unt” is displayed: The units “°C” or “°F” can be selected.
Pressing the up or down arrow buttons will change the units to either °C or °F.
Once the desired option is shown, press the „MENU“ button to save selection and go to next
Standby Mode
The iron temperature will be reduced to 212°F (100°C) and the display will dim when in stand-
by mode. And “Stb” will be shown on the screen.
To exit standby mode, Shake the iron slightly, press any button on the station or turn unit off,
then on again.
When the menu selection “Stb” is displayed:
The times of OFF, -05, -10 or -30 minutes can be selected.
Pressing the up or down arrow buttons will cycle through the different options.
Once the desired option is shown, press the „MENU“ button to save selection and go to next
The user will be able to set an offset for the displayed tip temperature reading within a range
of ±72 °F (±40 °C) for the station. This function can be used when the tip is at a known
temperature which does not agree with the current displayed temperature.
When the menu selection “CAL” is displayed:
The current temperature offset will be shown. This is the amount that the displayed set
temperature will be changed from factory settings.
Pressing the up or down arrow buttons will offset the displayed temperature by that amount.
Once the desired temperature offset is shown, press the „MENU“ button to save offset and exit
menu. The current tip temperature shown will now include the new offset.
Function / Description
1 Units
Will be shown for 2 seconds, then current units will be shown.
Press Up or Down Arrow button to make selection.
1.1 If the unit is ˚F, the temperature will be shown in Fahrenheit
1.2 If unit is ˚C, the temperature will be shown in celsius units.
2 Standby Mode Will be shown for 2 seconds, then current
standby time will be shown.Press Up or Down Arrow button to
make selection.
2.1 Standby mode is off. Once this option is selected, the unit
will not go into standby mode.
2.2 Unit will go to standby in 5 minutes if the iron is not moved.
Once this option is selected, the unit will go to 212°F (100°C)
until awakened.
2.3 Unit will go to standby in 10 minutes if the iron is not moved.
Once this option is selected, the unit will go to 212°F (100°C)
until awakened.
2.4 Unit will go to standby in 30 minutes if the iron is not moved.
Once this option is selected, the unit will go to 212°F (100°C)
until awakened.
3 Calibration
Will be shown for 2 seconds, then current offset temperature
will be shown.
3.1 Press Up or Down arrow buttons to choose a positive or
negative offset for the temperature display.
Antes de poner en funcionamiento y comenzar a trabajar con el aparato, leer
completamente las presentes instrucciones e indicaciones de seguridad.
Si incumple las normas de seguridad corre el riesgo de sufrir importantes
lesiones fí sicas o incluso mortales.
Conservar las presentes instrucciones en un lugar accesible para todos los
usuarios. Siga las instrucciones del manual de uso del aparato conectado.
Advertencias de seguridad
Lea todas las advertencias de seguridad y todas las instrucciones. El incumplimiento de las
advertencias e instrucciones puede provocar descargas eléctricas, incendios y / o lesiones
graves. Guarde todas las advertencias e instrucciones para futuras consultas. Mantenga su
área de trabajo limpia y ordenada. Los lugares de trabajo y los bancos de trabajo desord-
enados aumentan el riesgo de accidentes y lesiones. Este aparato no está diseñado para
que lo utilicen personas (incluidos niños) con capacidades físicas, sensoriales o mentales
reducidas, o con falta de experiencia y conocimiento, a menos que hayan recibido supervisión
o instrucciones sobre el uso del aparato por una persona responsable de su seguridad. Los
niños deben ser supervisados para asegurarse de que no jueguen con el aparato.
El dispositivo y el embalaje no son juguetes. Cumpla con las normas locales de prevención de
lesiones y las normas de seguridad en el área de trabajo.
Mantener alejadas a otras personas del lugar de trabajo.
No está permitida la presencia de niños o personas no autorizadas en el área de trabajo. No
permita que otras personas toquen las herramientas para soldar o los cables.
Aplicación De Acuerdo A La Finalidad
Utilizar la estación de soldar exclusivamente para soldar y desoldar según los términos
previstos en el manual de uso y en las condiciones descritas.
Sólo está permitido usar este aparato a temperatura ambiente y en interiores. Proteger de la
humedad y de la radiación directa del sol.
ADVERTENCIA Descarga eléctrica
Si se conecta inadecuadamente la unidad de control existe peligro de provocar daños
personales y materiales como consecuencia de descargas eléctricas.
Leer atentamente las advertencias de seguridad adjuntas, las advertencias de seguridad
del presente manual de uso y las instrucciones de su unidad de control antes de la puesta
en funcionamiento de la misma y seguir las medidas de precaución indicadas.
Conectar las herramientas de WELLER.
Si el aparato estuviera averiado puede haber conductores activos desnudos o no
funcionar el conductor protector.
Las reparaciones deberán ser realizadas por especialistas formados por Weller.
Si el cable de conexión de la herramienta eléctrica estuviera dañado deberá sustituirlo por
un cable de conexión especial que podrá adquirir a través del servicio técnico.
Evite el contacto con piezas conectadas a masa o toma de tierra, p. ej. con tubos,
radiadores, placas eléctricas de cocina o frigoríficos.
No utilice el soldador en ambientes húmedos o mojados.
No trabaje con piezas que estén bajo tensión.
ADVERTENCIA Riesgo de quemaduras
Durante el funcionamiento de la unidad de control existe peligro de sufrir quemaduras
con el soldador. Las herramientas de trabajo podrían permanecer calientes incluso
mucho después de apagarlas.
Cuando no use el soldador deposítelo siempre en el soporte de seguridad. Asegurarse de
que el soporte de seguridad esté siempre sobre una base estable.
Cambiar la punta de soldar únicamente cuando se haya enfriado
Peligro de sufrir quemaduras por la manipulació n de estañ o lí quido.
Proté jase de las salpicaduras de estañ o.
Usar ropa protectora adecuada para protegerse de posibles quemaduras. Proteger los ojos
con unas gafas protectoras.
Al trabajar con adhesivos, se deben observar sobre todo las advertencias del fabricante de
los mismos.
ADVERTENCIA Peligro de quemaduras
Cubrir el soldador o el soporte de seguridad supone un riesgo de incendio.
No cubrir nunca ni el soldador ni el soporte de seguridad.
No coloque nunca objetos, líquidos o gases inflamables cerca del soldador.
Guarde las herramientas de soldar en un lugar seguro. Los aparatos y herramientas que
no se usen deben almacenarse en un lugar seco, elevado o cerrado, fuera del alcance de
los niños. Desconecte el voltaje de las herramientas de soldadura y colóquelas en el apoyo
de seguridad.
El cable de la corriente elé ctrica debe enchufarse ú nicamente en tomas de corriente
(enchufe hembra) o en adaptadores homologados. Compruebe si la tensión de red
coincide con la indicada en la placa de características. Asegurarse que la máquina está
desconectada antes de enchufarla.
Utilice el cable ú nicamente para aquellos fi nes para los que ha sido previsto. No sujetar
nunca el aparato por el cable. No tire nunca del cable para desenchufar el enchufe de la toma
de corriente. Proteja el cable del calor, de manchas de aceite y de cantos afi lados.
Preste atenció n. Prestar atención a lo que se hace. Realizar el trabajo con sentido común.
No utilice el soldador cuando esté desconcentrado.
Evite posturas incorrectas. ALa confi guració n del lugar de trabajo debe ser ergonó mica.
Evitar posturas incorrectas durante el trabajo, ya que dan lugar a lesiones.
Utilice el soldador ú nicamente cuando esté en perfecto estado. Los dispositivos de
protección no deben ponerse fuera de servicio.
Las averías y los defectos deben solucionarse inmediatamente. Antes de cada uso del
aparato o herramienta, debe comprobarse minuciosamente que los dispositivos de seguridad
funcionan a la perfección y de la forma prevista. Comprobar que las piezas móviles funcionan
°C °F
°C °F
°C °F
°C °F
Read these instructions and the safety guidelines carefully before starting up the
unit and starting work.
Failure to observe the safety regulations results in a risk to life and limb.
Keep these instructions in a place that is accessible to all users. Please adhere to
the operating instructions of the connected devices.
Safety information
Read all safety warnings and all instructions. Failure to follow the warnings and instructions
may result in electric shock, fi re and/or serious injury. Save all warnings and instructions for
future reference. Keep your work area clean and tidy. Untidy workplaces and workbenches
increase the risk of accidents and injuries. This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience
and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure
that they do not play with the appliance.
The device and packaging are not toys. Comply with the local injury prevention regulations
and safety regulations in the work area.
Keep other persons well away from your workplace.
The work area is out of bounds for children and unauthorized persons. Never allow other
persons to touch the soldering tool or cable.
Specified Conditions Of Use
Use the soldering station only for the purpose of soldering, as specifi ed in the Operating
This device may only be used at room temperature and indoors. Protect against moisture and
direct sunlight.
WARNING Electrical shock
Connecting the control unit incorrectly poses a risk of injury due to electric shock and can
damage the device.
Carefully read the attached safety information, the safety information accompanying these
operating instructions as well as the operating instructions for your control unit before
putting the control unit into operation and observe the safety precautions specified therein.
Only connect WELLER tools.
If the device is faulty, active electrical conductors may be bare or the PE conductor may
not be functional.
Repairs must always be referred to a Weller-trained specialist.
If the electrical tool‘s power supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced with a specially
prefabricated power supply cord available through the customer service organization.
Avoid touching earthed objects such as pipes, heaters, stoves and refrigerators.
Do not use the soldering tool in a damp or wet environment.
Never work on voltage-carrying parts.
WARNING Risk of burns
Risk of burns from the soldering tool while the control unit is operating. Tools may still
be hot long after they have been switched off.
Always place the soldering tool in the safety rest while not in use. Make sure the safety
holder is stable.
Only replace solder tips when cold
Risk of burning through liquid solder.
Protect yourself against solder splashes.
Wear appropriate protective clothing to protect yourself against burns. Protect your eyes by
wearing eye protection.
When working with adhesives, special attention must be paid to the warning information
provided by the adhesive manufacturer.
Apex Tool Group
1000 Lutkin Road
Apex, NC 27539
Tel +1 (866) 498-0484
Fax +1 (800) 548-7312
Grants the
Present Guarantee Policy
Thank you for purchasing an Apex tool group product. This item has been manufactured with the highest quality materials and under strict
production control.
This policy guarantees against manufacturing defects of the indicated product with its components, labor and services necessary for its
correct operation and at no additional cost to the customer, for a period of 7 years after the date of purchase.
Procedure to make the guarantee effective.
This policy will be effective by presenting the product and this document duly sealed in the establishment where it was acquired to Apex Tool Group
with address shown above.
At this address you can get parts, consumable components and accessories.
Within the warranty period the company will repair or exchange the product, if the product actually presents defects contemplated in the
conditions of this warranty.
This policy will NOT be effective in the following cases:
A) When the product has been used under conditions other than normal.
B) When the product has not been operated in accordance with the accompanying instructions for use.
C) When the product has been altered or repaired by persons not authorized by the respective responsible national manufacturer,
importer or marketer.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Tel: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Purchase Date Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Model and Brand: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Authorized Dealer: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Authorized Distributor Stamp