Power ON:
Press the butt
on for 2 seconds,after th
e LED lighting for 3 secon
ds, means the power on.
Power OFF:
Press the butt
on for 3 seconds, the LED
flashing for 3 seconds, me
ans power off
Product User Manual
Model:Eddystone Beacon
W908/912/917 Turn on the power
Click "write" icon when
finished setting the following
parameters.Then the setting
UUID is hex(Total 32
characters)follow the format
as the image shows.(Please
Major is decimalism,the
range is(0-65535),after swi
tch on green on the right
side,the number is automat
Minor is decimalism,the ra
nge is(0-65535),after switch
on greenon the right side,
the number is automatically
3,Android APP User Manual .
Step 1:
Open APP,now the screen shows
hardware platform options, click
into the appropriate option.
Step 2:
The main page to set values. Notice: The ticked option correspond to the
modifiable values of the ibeacon,the crossed option don't need to change.
This is only for 2 uuids ibeacon; the Ibeacon needs to put within 0.5m with
the ibeacon when settig values.(RSSI value is 0 to-60db range in case connect
other devices around),please set the values one by one,other devices that's
Mode selection:
2,Eddystone(It is divided
into URL and UID modes)