Plasma Cutter
3. Enclose the work area with portable fire resistant
screens. Protect combustible walls, ceilings,
floors, etc., from sparks and heat with fire re-
sistant covers.
4. If working on a metal wall, ceiling, etc., prevent
ignition of combustibles on the other side by
moving the combustibles to a safe location. If
relocation of combustibles is not possible, desig-
nate someone to serve as a fire watch, equipped
with a fire extinguisher, during the plasma cut-
ting process and well after it is completed.
5. Do not weld or cut on materials having a com-
bustible coating or combustible internal struc-
ture, as in walls or ceilings, without an approved
method for eliminating the hazard.
6. After plasma cutting, make a thorough exami-
nation for evidence of fire. Be aware that visible
smoke or flame may not be present for some
time after the fire has started. Do not weld or cut
in atmospheres containing dangerously reactive
or flammable gases, vapours, liquids, and dust.
Provide adequate ventilation in work areas to pre-
vent accumulation of flammable gases, vapours,
and dust.
7. Do not apply heat to a container that has held
an unknown substance or a combustible mate-
rial whose contents, when heated, can produce
flammable or explosive vapours. Clean and
purge containers before applying heat. Vent
closed containers, including castings, before pre-
heating, welding, or cutting.