3.10 Starting Procedures
Starting aWelch Aspiration/Filtration Vacuum System
Before attaching the pump to a system, familiarize yourself with the function and action of the
Aspiration/Filtration Vacuum System that you have acquired. Review the power requirements as
described in Section 2.60. Welch recommends running the pump for a few minutes to warm it up, before
use. The warm-up improves the pumps ability to handle humid air. Set the device on a level, sturdy
surface so the controls can be easily reached and adjusted. Connect one end of the application tubing
to the lid vacuum port.
Note: The in-line hydrophobic filter is designed to prevent foreign material from being
drawn into the device. Pump performance may decrease if the hydrophobic filter gets wet or
build up of forgein materialsor Medfilter occurs. It may be necessary to periodically change
the hydrophobic filter
Do not move this device with a full collection jar.
Be sure that the power switch is in the OFF (down) position. Plug in the device and turn the
switch to the ON (up) position.
Block the application tube leading from the collection jar and allow the gauge to reach stable
vacuum level.
Set vacuum level by turning the regulator knob counter-clockwise to increase vacuum or
clockwise to decrease vacuum..
Note: This procedure should be performed each time you use this device.
Cleaning The Device
Make sure the ON/OFF switch is in the OFF (down) position.
Unplug the device from the wall outlet and allow suction level to drop.
Remove the application tube from the lid vacuum port. Tubing should be cleaned after every use.
Run hot water through it. Soak in a solution of one part of vinegar to three parts hot water
for 20 minutes. Rinse with hot tap water and air dry.
Remove the pump tubing from the top of the jar lid.
Remove the jar from the holder and place on a firm, flat surface. Release the tabs and lift the lid
from the jar.
Wash the jar, gasket, lid and tube in a hot water/dishwashing detergeant solution and rinse with
hot tap water. Soak in a solution of one part of vinegar to three parts hot water for 20 minutes.
Rinse with hot tap water and air dry.
Wipe the outside of the case with a clean, damp cloth after each use.
3.20 Leak Detection
The importance of eliminating all leaks in a vacuum system is obvious. The pump must remove this
added volume of leaked gas to maintain the desired vacuum. Leaks for these pumps can be located by
slightly pressuring the system and painting the suspected area with a thick soap solution. Escaping air
will produce soap bubbles.