8. Setting of parameters
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– WTS-300-E - V4.1 - 20.01.2022
Level “Configuration” (A parameters)
This configuration is very important and should be the first step when setting the
parameters for a system.
The WTS-300 supports a large number of different system configurations (with or
without robot operation), milk tanks with more than one compressor, different outlet
valves etc.). In total, the control unit supports more output functions than there are
relays and digital inputs on the printed circuit board.
Normally, however, not all functions are used at the same time. When starting con-
figuration please give careful consideration to how you want to allocate all the vari-
ous components to the relays and digital inputs.
Allocation of output relays:
In [A1 .. A20] the functions needed are assigned to the output relays.
Allocation of digital inputs:
In [A21 .. A33] input functions are assigned to the digital inputs.
Incorrectly set parameters can lead to serious malfunctions and dam-
age to the milk-cooling tank.
Switch to level
See section 8.1
A parameters
Code: A384
Working level
for normal daily operation
General cooling parameters
code: C212
Extended cooling parameters
code: D345
General cleaning parameters
code: B454
Extended cleaning parameters
code: C567
Service parameters
code: EA03
General tank monitor parameters
code: 4711
Extended tank monitor parameters
code: F94A
Alarm configuration
code: FFFF
code: A384
I/O test parameters
code: 10E5