Specialized Concentrated Focused
Menu Functions
Fig. 4-8 All object selected
For instance, to only select the two rectangles among all the selected objects in the above picture,
double click on
―Rectangle: 2‖.
To delete selected objects of a certain type, directly click on the corresponding
― ‖. For example, to
delete the two rectangles in Fig. 4-8, directly click on the
― ‖ after ―Rectangle: 2‖.
[Select Invert (Ctrl + Shift + A)]
This item deselects the objects previously selected while selecting previously unselected objects. The
contrast between before
―Select Invert‖ and after ―Select Invert‖ is as shown in Fig. 4-9 and Fig. 4-10.
Fig. 4-9 Before “Select Invert”