Setup and Network Configuration
Setup and Network Configuration
You can integrate the FreeCon Active PROFINET-POF-Media Converter by one of the following
mechanisms into your system:
Controller-Setup with GSD (GSDML-file)
Weidmüller FreeCon CFG access
Once a proper IP address has been assigned, you can also access and configure the device using a web
browser. Note that the factory default IP address is, in accordance with PROFINET specifications,
and must be changed before accessing the FreeCon Active PROFINET-POF-Media Converter with a web
It is essential that the FreeCon Active PROFINET-POF-Media Converter has a valid TCP/IP configuration so
that it can function properly on the network. The TCP/IP settings are stored internally in the system file
“\ethcfg.cfg”. These settings can be changed using one of the methods described below.
Setup with GSDML-File
The FreeCon Active PROFINET-POF-Media Converter is normally installed within a facility by integrating its
GSDML file in the PLC configuration. The GSDML file and a .BMP icon of the converter are archived on the
converter itself (in the compressed file Fca-pim-pof.zip). These files can be downloaded using the converter
web interface as described in section 4.3 below.
Figure 8
Downloading the GSDML-file from the FreeCon Active PROFINET-POF-Media Converter´s file system