Ab Crunch
Back Extension
Side To Side
One Leg Side Squat with Leg Extension
One Leg Squat with Leg Extension
One Leg Side Squat
One Leg Squat
Calf Raise
Leg Press
Exercise Guide
Cross Over**
Criss Cross
Lower Ab Crunch
Crunch With Knee Lift
This exercise can be performed leaning forward, upright, or lean-
ing back.
From the starting position, lean back (see Back Extension), and
then to the finishing position.
Included with the TWO TONE body toning system
is an exercise video. This video will motivate and
guide you through a 30-minute workout, helping
you get the maximum benefit from the body toning
system. The personal trainer will demonstrate the
correct form for each of the exercises that can be
performed with the AB TILT & TONE and the