Combustion air supply
Combustion air supply
13.1. General
The air for the combustion chamber of the heater may not be taken out of
the vehicle passenger compartment (extract from 2001/56/EC).
An intake silencer must be fitted to reduce noise levels.
The combustion air must be taken from a position that is as cool as possible
and protected from splashing water.
13.2. Combustion air intake line
A = connection to heater 22 mm dia.
B = silencer
An intake line is required for combustion air.
Avoid compressing or pinching the air intake line.
Length of the combustion air inlet line
in total (with silencer):
max. 2.0 m
Internal diameter of the line:
22 mm
Minimum bending radius:
50 mm
Total bends combustion air line:
max. 270°
Fig. 33: Combustion air intake