through the slot in the bottom of the solar power accessory and press the
LED button.
If your unit still has a bad sensor status (red LED) you may need to contact
for assistance.
The device has not connected properly to a hub. Reset the
device and reconnect it to the Station Hub:
1. Remove the mounting attachment from the Tempest device.
2. On the base of the device, press and hold the translucent button next to
the power switch until the LED lights up flashes.
3. After a few seconds, the LED will slowly flash green, indicating it is ready
to pair with a Hub.
4. Open the app, go to settings> stations> (select your station)> manage
devices> tap "+" to add the device to the station Hub.
the device is associated with a Hub.
The Tempest device should be connected and reporting data to the station hub.
If you have a green status and don't see any minute-by-minute observations, you
may need to reset and re-pair your device:
Reset the drive: Press and hold the clear LED button next to the battery
door for five seconds, then release it when the LED flashes green.
Using the SKY Solar Panel Accessory: Use a thin tool to go through the slot
in the solar panel and press and hold the LED button for five seconds, then
release when the LED flashes green.
Reboot the hub - Unplug the hub for a few moments, then reapply power.
Add the device to your station again: go to Settings> Stations (select
station)> Manage devices> tap "+" (top right) to add the device and follow
the procedure.
Web Access and Sharing Station Data
Private online access
You can access your weather data anytime, anywhere
from any browser. Go to
and login with the same
username & password that you created for
the mobile app.
Shared online web access
: To enable others to see your weather data, make
sure your station is sharing data publicly. Check the settings in the mobile app:
Go to Settings > Stations > choose your station > Public Data > Share Publicly
(toggle on).
Then simply log into
and click on the share button in the