ELITE 600 V1.0
A. Important Notice ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1
A-1. Warranty
A-2. Technical and Service Contact
A-3. Safety Notice
B. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
B-1. Specifications
B-2. Product Description
B-2-1. ELITE 600 Power Supply Hardware Overview
C. Installation of ELITE 600 Power Supply ---------------------------------- 5
C-1. Package List
C-2. Setup and Operation of the ELITE 600 Power Supply
C-2-1. Unpacking
C-2-2. Setup and operation
D. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
D-1. Basic troubleshooting
D-2. Error codes
D-3. Replacing the fuses
E. Care and Maintenance --------------------------------------------------------- 11
F. Order Information -------------------------------------------------------------- 12