In the SL5.EXE program, confirm the four big buttons on the left one after the other, starting from top.
If a computer contains several PB masters, a master module on the right of the word “Board” can be selected
with the combo-box. The selected master module will be analyzed and its type displayed on the right of it, e.g.
PROFIboard PCI or PROFIcard.
1. Press the
The selected board is activated and
– if successful - the ‘Go Online’ button enabled. If a problem
occurs, open ‘Trace’ with a mouse-click on the ‘Trace’ tab (in the middle of the dialog) for more
information on the Profibus.
On the right of the word ‘Master:’ an address can be assigned on the Profi-
bus with the combo- box of the PB master module. Every address must be unique! Depending on what
type of Profibus is connected, different PB masters and PB slaves with ad- dresses in the range 0
can be available. Normally, the preset 0 as address of the PB master is okay. The baudrate should be
set as a function of the length of the line or masters already active on the bus
2. Press the Go
The PB master will become active on the bus (exchanges the token). If everything is okay, the ‘Scan for
Slave’ button will be enabled after about 2 seconds. Now the bus can be searched for slaves. The
search always begins at address 0. The master address is skipped. To cut the search short, the highest
address to be used can be defined.
3. Press the
Scan for Slave
A search of the bus is made and the first LLD-500
found is selected as slave. If the slave address (‘se-
lect addr :
’) is changed, a diagnosis request is sent to the slave and the PNO Ident of the slave dis-
played when the reply is received.
4. Press the
Data Exchange
The master adopts Operate state, sends a data exchange request to the LLD-500, whereupon the latter
activates its laser. The distances measured can be viewed at Distance.