EuroPEK Filter -
Oil Separator
RST lug T10
Anchoring belt
Anchoring slab
Concrete K30-2
Reinforcement: A500HW T10 #200
Slab length = tank length
Slab width = tank di 200 mm
Slab thickness = 150 mm
Figure 1. Anchoring of the separator in an area influenced by ground water or in an
area where the bearing capacity of the ground is weak
Installing the separator
Compact a min. 20 cm stone free sand layer on the anchoring slab.
Set the separator on the layer of sand and pour about 20 cm of water into the
separator to stabilize it.
Fix the separator onto the slab by means of non-stretching anchoring belts
If the amount of anchoring belts is insufficient or the belts are not tight enough, the
buoyant force of the water in the soil can cause the separator to surfa ce later on,
when the separator is being emptied.
Fix the anchoring belts round the separator and to the RST lugs on both sides of the
anchoring slab. The belts should preferably be tensioned with appropriate ratchets.
If you order the anchoring belts with the tank, you will receive the necessary
ratchets with the belts. Other appliances are not allowed to be used to tension the
belts, because the belts might get overtensioned, causing damage to the tank.
The recommended way to tension the belts is two-phase: each belt is first tensioned
to a level, where the force of the ratchet starts to increase substantially. In the
second phase, each belt should be tensioned again, starting from the first belt. Make
sure that the ratchets do not press onto the tank surface.
Compact the sand layer around the separator with extreme care. Keep compacting
the sand bed around the separator in 20 cm layers. While this work is being done,
keep adding water to the separator to keep it steady.