In the advanced panel you can find a set of parameters for a better audio control.
Pan: controls the panorama of the e
ect. In L/R mode you can set the e
ect to the left or to the
right or anything in between. In M/S mode you can set the e
ect to the mid channel or the sides
channel or anything in between.
L/R - M/S: Selects the processing mode to regular stereo (L/R) or to mid / sides (M/S).
Attack: Sets how quickly the gain reduction reacts to changes in the input signal level.
Release: Sets how fast the gain reduction.
Side-chain: When activating this button you’ll hear the side chain signal with the Low-Cut and
High-Cut filter applied for a better fine-tuning.
Make space for a vocal in a wall of electric guitars and synths.
Make space for the kick drum in a heavy low-end mix.
Snare low-end cutting-through the lower-mids.
Voice-over on top of the background music in a more musical way than having a full-band
You name it!
If you find any bug or you have any questions please get in contact with us following this link:
Wavesfactory Trackspacer
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