Limiter Controls
Toggles the Limiter On/Off
Options: LED on=bypass on, LED off=bypass off.
Links the Threshold & Out Ceiling controls together. When on, rotating
either of the controls will change both values, while retaining their relative
settings (from the time Link was turned on). This will have the effect of lower-
ing the Threshold without changing the makeup gain.
Options LED on=Link on, LED off=Link off.
Sets the level above which limiting starts. Only the signal above
the threshold is limited. Signal below the threshold has a constant gain
change. The L2 employs an auto-makeup control law, whereby the L2’s
makeup gain is automatically increased by the same amount the Thresh-
old is lowered. The value is in dB below 0dBFS (Full Scale digital).
Limiter Threshold Range: -0-18 dB, step 0.1
Out Ceiling:
Sets the peak level that the processed signal will reach. In
other words, Out ceiling sets the absolute level of the highest possible peak.
The value is measured in dB below 0dBFS .
Limiter Threshold Range: 0-18 dB, step 0.1
Limiter Attenuation Meter:
Displays the limiter signal level attenuation. The
value is in dB below 0dBFS (Full Scale digital).
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