Wavecom WMOD2B Modem
TROUBLESHOOTING: Specific defaults possibly encountered
The modem does not answer through the serial link
A) Is the modem correctly powered on?
If not, the correct power supply is 5 to 32V
The power supply must be able to deliver current peaks up to 1.8A@5V (see chapter 2.3.5 for further details).
Is the serial cable suitable and adjusted in the modem and PC sockets?
A suitable cable must follow pin assignment described on figure 6.
Check in particular, that Rx et Tx are properly connected.
C) Check that your communication program is properly configured:
Modem factory setting for the character framing are:
Data Bits
: 8
: None
Stop Bits
: 1
The factory setting for the baud rate is 9600 bps.
D) Does any other program interfere with your communication program (conflict on communication port access)?
If yes, close any application likely to interfere (e.g. mouse or printer driver).