Using your TnP Prime
This section will give you the basics you need to operate your TnP Prime. For in depth walkthroughs and
more detailed information, please refer to the user manual.
To power on your TnP Prime, first ensure the Isolation Switch (in the storage compartment) is turned
on. Press and hold the small power button above the power socket (on the rear panel of the tester)
or the Enter button on the head unit of the tester until the screen comes on and you hear a beep. To
power off your tester, hold the same button until your tester beeps and the screen goes dark. If your
tester does not turn on, check that the isolation switch on the rear of the tester is switched on. If you
are connecting your TnP Prime to mains power, it will turn on automatically.
If you are using your TnP Prime with the WinPATS App, you will control the tester directly from the app,
and you won’t need to use the controls on the tester. If you choose to use your TnP Prime without the
WinPATS App, you will use the Function buttons (F1, F2 and F3) as well as the Enter button to control
the tester.
When testing, use the ports on the front of the unit (Appliance Test Socket and the IEC Earth Return).
Do not use the rear IEC power socket for testing, this port is only for charging the TnP Prime.
During testing, you will see the Indicator LEDs flash. The Indicator LEDs will flash during testing when
the Appliance Test Socket is live, then turn green or red to denote a pass or fail. Consult the manual
for further information about what the indicator LEDs mean.
When your TnP Prime is connected to mains power, the N-E (middle LED) indicator may turn red. If so,
the Mains Supply Test has failed, and
you should not proceed.
If this occurs consult the manual for
further information.
Ensure the battery isolation switch is turned on when unit is in use or connected to mains power.
Never turn off the battery isolation switch unless transporting your TnP Prime.
Setting up the Barcode Scanner
To use the supplied Bluetooth 1662 BT scanner you will need your tablet and Bluetooth scanner
in front of you. Your Bluetooth scanner comes with a quick start guide which may be useful for
troubleshooting, but you can set up your scanner using the following instructions. We recommend that
you ensure the scanner is fully charged before using it onsite.
First, ensure the battery is in installed in your barcode scanner. The LED on your scanner should begin
flashing blue, indicating it is ready to be paired to your tablet.
TnP Prime
Quick Start Guide